
We've A New Life


07-07-2014, 10:59 PM

This was the right place to call home, he was sure of it. The male felt safe here, the willows and beauty of the place having a calming effect upon his soul. Kar felt happiness spreading back within his being, a new life shining in the lime green orbs that he bore. It seemed that things were moving forward again, and after his dream last night, reuniting with his best friends through the dream world, the male felt happier than ever. Tail was wagging as he returned to the den he had dug for himself and Nalyda. It had taken time, and with Nalyda's assistance they had made it spacious enough for themselves and then some. The woman's heat scent lingered in the air around the area, driving Kar's hormones wild, though he made sure to keep himself in check. He would not force Nalyda into having children before she was ready, not that he had brought the subject up yet.

Kar would arrive at the den with a chicken in his jaws, just as the sun was rising over the horizon. He had gotten up extra earlier to hunt for Nalyda, finding that keeping himself busy by doing small things for her, as well as simply spending his days with her were making him feel better about all that had happened. He was happy, in love, and had his life ahead of him with the most beautiful fae he had ever seen. The male would set the chicken down, near Nalyda's head before laying down next to her, gently nuzzling her cheek. The chicken, he figured, had come from the territory near the woods. The male's eyes were sparkling happily, tail wagging slightly as he breathed out his words. "Wake up my dear, I've brought you breakfast in bed."

Speech, Thought