
road man


05-06-2013, 03:15 PM

The man's enormous paws sunk into the sandy earth of the lake's wide banks. Sunlight poured down between the forest eaves, splashing upon his back with furious gold. It spread royal wildfire across his silver plating. It suited him. His neck bent and lowered his parched lips to the surface of the lake. A salmon tongue snaked its way from between his ivory canines. Ripples crossed the water's cool surface, disturbing the creatures that lived upon it and beneath. Bugs still remained at the lake, remnants of those which had bred in the warm daylight of August. But Icarus paid little mind to such trivial things. The feeling of the water in his belly and down his throat caused him slight happiness. His paws had brought him quite far, and the gentle rest at the water's edge was well-deserved.

Icarus had been looking for pack territories. Although he did not like to admit such things - he somewhat enjoyed the presence of others. They were entertaining, and he took a small joy out of relieving others of their problems. For a price. Gently, he eased back on his haunches. Muscles rolled as he forced himself into a pose of relaxation. Flaming eyes looked out at the expanse of the lake, scanning the golden horizon with cold calculation. He thought briefly on the past and all that it meant to him. He had not been more than a babe when he had left. A well-trained babe, ready to fight with tooth and claw. But when he flew out into those woods, he had been as lost as any freshly-born pup. Would even I remember me?