
everybody wants to rule the world



3 Years
07-07-2014, 11:02 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

A petite, lanky form teetered along as she sought entertainment. Her siblings were somewhere, but she hadn't seen them since she'd left the den. Mismatched audits flickered absently, wide eyes of a toxic coloring drinking in the scenery. Everything was white, bleached like old bones in the desert sun. One rust red paw stuck out from the rest on the patchwork girl, like old blood that covered most of her leg. Her oversized paws were beginning to fit onto her long stilts for legs, but she still tripped over herself on occasion. Sighing, the petite femme looked about and wondered why everything looked like it was made from marble stone. Her tiara remained held low between her small shoulders, she warily watched for a predator. Habit really, she wasn't exactly set up to defend herself against a bear or cougar, not yet. Slowly, her long legs began to carry her up a gentle slope, tri toned plume swinging casually at her hocks.

A congregation of massive stone tablets surrounded something, clearly of vast importance, to have it's own rocky guards. Ears perked in curiosity, she approached with a complete lack of hesitation. Dark sensor would reach out to sniff the stone, wondering if it would provide her with some sense of what was so important about the stones. Glyphs she could not read were carved into the rock, and she stared at them for a while, but gave up attempting to decipher them. Slowly, the lass would peer around the slab in search of what was so special that it deserved such an intimidating crowd. Nothing, just a babbling brook. A small frown creased her dainty features, but she pressed onward nevertheless. Her clumsy paws scuffed against the terra, her gangly frame headed toward the stream. It wasn't even that cool, it didn't glow or whisper secrets into her ears, or even have any fish in it. Her rump dropped heavily onto the ground, disappointment evident in her expression. "What makes you so special?" She quietly demanded, lowering her delicate muzzle to give the water an experimental taste. Still nothing, it tasted like water- which meant it tasted boring. It didn't even hold the sweet taint of mountain brooks, or anything remotely worthy of such an impressive guard.

With an annoyed huff, the girl flopped onto her back. Hind legs would stretch out behind her, and her forelimbs would be tucked in towards her small chest as she stared up at the sky. The clouds seemed more interesting than the stream, which, honestly, sucked. She watched shapes form, and mentally tried to compare them to something she'd seen. A snail, a snake, a tree, or even a deer. A yawn would gape her maw, long tongue lolling from her mouth in the process and falling out to the side, until she shut her jaws once more. She could be comfortable here for some time, with the moist dirt beneath her almost cushioning her meager weight and the dew not yet evaporated by the late morning sun keeping her ebony pelt cool.

But the rest is forgotten