
☠ Wicked and Divine ☠

Gargoyle I


05-06-2013, 03:38 PM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


It was a good hour or two before any other lupine form was seen in the area. The first snowfall of the Autumn had come down in clouds. The summer thaw was over. Soon any green outside of the evergreens would be a memory. Ice was creeping over the rivers and streams, the birds were heading south, all was once more turning to the frozen glaciers and endless icy hills.

And surprisingly, Gargoyle was happy to see it so. The winter fit him - all it's hardships and dangers and beauty. It was Glaciem's true form.

And Gargoyle wanted to be the first to leave his prints in the snow. He'd already patroled the giant Glaciem Lake, now he headed for the southern border. He needed to check the passes. Some would be closed off with the falling snow, and so less needed to be watched, but others would still remain clear.

All the lightness of heart, all the ease of movement vanished from the wolf as he reached the southern fringe. As soon as the scents reached him. Asheni. And Blood. "No..."

Quicker than his own heartbeat, his paws drummed a warsong through the fresh snow. The grey sky overhead rumbled and rolled. The color of it blurred the line between eath and sky, but somewhere in the middle the massive dark form of the Glaciem Chief recieved the pool of blood and the remains that lay inside it.

Who can say what tortured thoughts and emotions had their way with the male as his paws stepped into the ring of his pack mate's life flow? Usually Gargoyle's features were impassive, lifeless, and bland. It was only in his most dangerous times that something showed in his features. After many a slow, cold second ticked by, his face began to change. His lips twitched and tremored, peeling back with a dry, rasping breath to reveal rows of white fangs. His nose and brow twisted and contorted into a hellish snarl. His tattered ears fell flat against his skull, while his thick black hackles raised as though to take their place. And his eyes... those blank lizard eyes changed, becoming the venomous pools of dragon bile. They glowed and shuddered with a light that seemed to come from below.

Had any other creature appeared to behold the scene, they would've sworn that it had been the dark male who'd killed the she-wolf. He was a murderer. A killer. A satist! Who could doubt it after seeing that look in his eyes?

Well they wouldn't have been wrong. He had been all that.

And as soon as he found the beast who'd done this, such he would be again.

Stiff legged and wild eyed Gargoyle stepped forward into the middle of the blood spill. His grey nose pressed against the she-wolf's terrified eyes. The moisture in them was already begining to cool and crystalize. He closed them gently, so that her body would not be left to stare blindly into space. The sight was enough to drive a creature into maddness. But then... one can only see so many dead and mangled bodies before they begin to develop immunity, or insanity, or a bit of both. He'd drank the blood of his victims, rolled in their entrails, oh he'd been a demon to make the devil himself proud. But that was his past life. No longer could his mind recongize those deeds as a part of him. That didn't mean he couldn't still do them, however.

Gargoyle's nose now traveled over the broken form. He searched her fur for every trace of scent, begging the world to give him this. Just this.

And he got it: Male wolf. Young male. Foreign origin. Gargoyle breathed it in until the aroma filled his lungs, catching in his throat. He had it. He didn't know the murderer's name or color or size or location. But he had his scent. And that would be enough.

But the hunt could not begin immeidately. As much as his head pounded with the desire to. No, first he had to bury the dead. He had to. If any of his pack mates - particularly Crusade or Cifer - found such a sight. Gargoyle growled hollowly. It would certainly kill them.


An hour more and the burial was done - a little ways away from the border, on a hill side, which, in the thaw would be covered in one of the few flower patches that were to be found in this part of the world. She was burried in the shoulder of a great mossy boulder - a head stone for the healer.

Gargoyle had never been one for burials. Never. Wolves died all the time. It was kill or be killed out there and if you paused for one moment to let the saddness sink in, you were allowing yourself to be weak. Besides, what did the dead care for your pity? And yet... he'd grown more of a heart since the old days....

The Alpha had meant to leave the grave immeidately - to sprint back to the pack cave and deliver the news and hand out orders. But instead he found his paws frozen in place. Though the cold, biting wind, whipped around him, he remained as still as the stone he stood before.

"Asheni, you fool... Did I not command you to keep a warrior escort when beyond our borders?" His chin shuddered and dipped down into his tawny chest fur. What did wolves normally say at such times? Nice things, right? Telling the world that this wolf had been a good person? Well, in Asheni's case there was little that he could say that would do justice to the sort of life she'd chosen to lead. And what was the point anyway? Ghosts do not have ears "If there is a heaven or paradise like Crusade believes in... you'll be there," the brute murmured quietly. "But I'd be lying if I thought I'd ever make it there. So this is where we have to say goodbye, I guess." She'd been a part of his world. A part of his family. The most beautiful soul in Glaciem. And now she was gone forever.

Gargoyle had said his peice. He turned away from the stone topped hill, facing the North. But before he took off back to his family, he turned around once and looked behind him to the south. His eyes glowed again.

He would pay. In the dark days, the name of 'Gargoyle' had been recognized as signifying the best torturer and exicutioner in the whole mob. Asheni's murderer would beg for death's release by the end of it.

