
Sleeping In



7 Years
07-08-2014, 12:56 AM
Nako shook his body to free of the water that clung to his pelt, ending the movements with the?shake of his left hind leg. The snow was gone. The sickness was gone. His brother and mother no longer sick and the yearling was eager for some sort of activity after winter. Though he loved the season of snow and cold, especially in the mountains, he disliked the hunger and inactivity that resulted during it's course. All of that was diminished now, young and inexperienced prey abundant and one never went to sleep hungry.

The sickness though. The time during which it hard occurred was around when prey had been especially hard to find. His brother, his sister, and himself had a hard time keeping everyone fed. But they survived and their stomaches were full. Nako's paws carried himself up the hill by the lake towards his family's den, intending to see if Kailos was roused and absent and off with a parent.

Pelt still damp, Nako ducked inside of a den and noted that their was no sign of the youngest pup. Only Anais, sleeping soundly. Odd. In all of his time as a half sibling, he had never seen Anais have the morning to herself. Perhaps she had overslept? A possibility. The young female had always been an excitable wolf, off adventuring without care, and sometimes caution, while she was absent. He could distinctly remember a time where she had asked for him cover for her while she was off getting their banished father to give her a Talutah mark way back when they lived in Seracia. "Anais, wake up." Nako reached out and nosed his sister, a nip given against the side of her neck to wake her.