
Wake Up


07-08-2014, 02:24 AM

Even though the boy was ready for impact, he still wasn't expecting his brother to practically attack him. Koray had found himself on top of him, lashing with teeth and claws. And although Amarant was frightened, not a noise escaped his maw. He just closed his eyes and hoped for the best. Though he did push at him with his paws a bit.

Soon Koray would snap out of it, realizing this was real life and he was no longer in a dream. And his body would cower in the corner in pure terror. He was worried that he had hurt his brother, his tail tucked between his legs as he prayed that Amarant wasn't injured.

The spotted pup would roll over to his stomach and be up on his paws. His head was held low for a second, his paw reaching up just under his eye where a trickle of blood escaped a cut from his brother's tooth. All was done to the side facing away from Koray, Amarant would be sure he wouldn't see it before they left they den.

"Yeah, I'm okay!" He would happily assure raising his head to face Koray. The blood was wiped away and the cut was too tiny to see inside the den. He would then move to exit the den, stopping but not turning back once at the mouth of it. "Come on, let's catch up to mom!"

(OOC: I seriously died a little inside when he called him Ammy ;-;)

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