
kiss with a fist


05-06-2013, 04:48 PM


The man rolled back onto his haunches, taking place before the she wolf. She was no threat, so he would let his guard down for a moment, but not entirely. If something else were to come across his borders he would be ready. He thought back to the words Newt have given him when describing their pack. "Amenti. We are the wolves of the shadows for hire. To take down those that deserves death. Those that I, and my wife, deem worthy of death. I will not have mindless killing or accept contracts of revenge but If there is a monster, a true monster, that needs to be put down then that is our job. Or other job is to protect those that cannot protect themselves or need help. We are within the Red Forest, an expanse cluster of towering redwood trees, matching the mammoth sized wolves within our territory." He looked up for a moment, noting all the enormous trees surrounding the two. "We chose to reside here because it sat well with our enormous pack members. Most of us are rather large, but we do appreciate a little guy or gal." It was true, almost every wolf in their pack was enormous in size. His wife, Newt, is the biggest wolf in the entire lands of Alacritis. But, that didn't mean they didn't need a little guy here and there. He waited, anticipating the woman's reply.