


07-08-2014, 10:23 AM
Like a good hunter she had waited her prey out, allowing them to come to her rather then hunting them down herself. The bloody red queen. Dione would giggle, the board line psychotic sound bubbling up her throat as she lay in her swamp, the bottom half of a deer leg laying languidly draped through her paws. She had endless patience for these things, she would wait forever if need be but to her pleasure she would head a howl echo out. Immediately oversized ears would swivel to catch the sound, drinking them in. Oh wasn't this just perfect... Stockinged legs would unfurl beneath her lavished body as she pushed herself upwards. Yeah this would be perfect. So perfect that her petite form almost trembled with excitement but still she would force herself to walk as slowly as possibly, to not sprint there to see what she had come to see. No. Good things came to those who wait.

The tiny swamp monster would approach the meeting from the side, taking note of the already growing gathering of wolves as she tried to slip in as unnoticed as possible. It smelt like blood here, not fresh but old caked blood. Of wounds that had yet to heal. It smelt delicious... A smile would slowly unfurl across her features as she came to a half near the back, close to a white male with strange eye markings. She paid him no mind though, eyes not locked on the group who had called the meeting. There she was. The bloody red queen. And who was this fascinating nymph beside her? This woman draped in the color of royalty. My my the red woman's reputation for collecting pretty things had proceeded her. Slowly the tiny creature would flip her tail, lashing the fluffy apendage to the side as she lowered her haunches to the ground. For now she eyes would remain fixated in the pair who lead this pack.

"Talk here."