
Sleeping In



5 Years
07-08-2014, 10:48 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She heard her name spoken as if across a distance, and for a moment she was convinced she was entering a dream. Someone was calling her and she needed to find them, but all through her sleep she had seen nothing, heard nothing, until now. Where did she go? Where should she look? Where she slept, her brow furrowed and her body shifted a little, curling just a bit more tightly inward. It took the nudge and nip to finally break her from her sleep, and she wriggled more resistantly, even lifted a paw to swipe gently at the air where Nako had touched her. She had been sleeping so good! Why did she need to be woken up?

Drawing in a quick breath, she let her bright gold eyes flicker open once sleepily as she began to stretch, and then widen in surprise. Morning? Already? Goodness, how long had she slept! A disappointed groan slid from her muzzle as she closed her eyes again and covered her face with her paws, blocking out the light and hiding her frown from view. "How late is it?" she mumbled, though she already had an idea. How silly that she had managed to waste a perfectly good morning. Though, honestly, it had been kind of nice to sleep longer than normal, if only this once. "I didn't mean to sleep in." She finally drew her paws away from her face, yawned, and rolled to her stomach, giving a small shake of her head to further clear it.

Anais blinked somewhat blearily at the den's entrance, out into the daylight, and then over toward her brother, a sudden curiosity crossing her mind. "What are you doing here?" Did he often come back to the den like this? She was always so busy following one adventure or another that she was not certain she could say.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.