


07-08-2014, 11:38 AM

Confidence leaked from the entrance of her den, vibes of different colors surrounded her being as she slowly stepped out of her home. Pandora briskly shook her fur out, making sure every follicle fell into place. The sun, brightly lit in the sky, enveloped her in its warmth as her full, curvaceous frame left the shade of the den. Vi's howl hit the air and Pandora's golden-backed ears. Time to shine!
Her dainty paws carried her through the surrounding woods along a familiar path she had made after joining the pack. She avoided burrs and stray branches, thankfully enjoying the warm, spring breezes that swept around her very being. Silently, she wondered how the rest of her pack members would react to her presence. She knew that Auntie Vi and Desiree would have the spotlights, but damn it, she deserved her own limelight (however temporary). In no time at all, she reached the outer ranks of the group, but remained hidden in the woods. It was there that she waited.
Turquoise blue eyes scanned the wolves, all of whom were anticipating Viridiana to start the meeting. While she was eager to hear her aunt's words, too, she was still hoping to catch a glimpse of one wolf in particular...who was not there. 'Damn,' she thought. 'Oh well, time to please the masses!' She checked her paws and the rest of her form to see if there was any extra debris or clumps of dirt. Thankfully, her fur was perfect and she gave a happy sigh. All right. Show time!
With her head held high, she sauntered from the woods and through the unseen trail through the mass of wolves. Her hips swung in full fashion, showing off the zebra stripes that shimmered from the surrounding sunlight. Confident rolled off her body in waves as she saw Eon nearby and gave him a smirk. They were wolves of Armada-Artenie blood -- they had to show it! Her gaze then turned back to the two wolves in front of her and she continued her sashay.
After the wolves ahead of her gave their greetings to the alphas, Pandora unabashedly approached them. Bright eyes shimmered in pride as she lovingly licked both aunts on their left cheeks. "Hello, Auntie Desiree and Auntie Vi," she said, tones smooth and sweet with her Romanian accent twinkling in her words. She couldn't help but smile, it matching her eyes as her tail wagged behind her. Flawlessly, she took steps over to Desiree's side and lowered herself to the ground, front paws crisscrossing over each other. Ears remained perked and cobalt tail gently flew up and laid across her hind legs. She still searched for signs of Scorpion, but until then, her eyes would be satisfied with Viviek nearby. 'I'll see you after the meeting,' she thought as she took in all his beauty.
