
Singing Songs with You


07-08-2014, 01:16 PM

The woman's eyelids slowly rolled open and she smiled weakly as he began to sing in that lovely baritone. That boy didn't seem nervous, anxious, or anything. He looked almost free. Like he had not a care in the world. She wished she was like him- singing into the air and drifting into the music as if he were air. The babe, on the otherhand, was always nervous that she'd mess up or humiliate herself again...maybe if she were to relax her voice would really sound beautiful. Better than it already sounded. Although- no wolf could beat Bass' voice. His was a beautiful flow like a calm shallow stream- and it made her heart flutter with a strange emotion. Like a butterfly had taken the place of her heart.
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace. Give us faith so we'll be safe... Their two voices became a perfect harmony in the few English lyrics. But mainly, as the boy started the Italian, she was working on releasing herself. Letting her spirit rise with the beautiful music and humming of her friend. She watched his eyes drift to the sky- and she mirrored him, minty green eyes scanning the stars. But finally the man paused- and she continued for him with a smooth open of her maw. Ognuno dia la mano al vicino, simbolo di pace, di fraternita, Wren released herself in the music, smiling and shutting her eyes as he awaited him to follow in so that their voices could become ring out into the air and shake the earth.