
bones and skin


07-08-2014, 01:58 PM

It's just you and I, tonight.

No... nothing was alright. He was sinned, he was a disgrace. Shame washed over him once more. Why did his sister still care about him? Why? His honey gaze sought nothing from the brown vixen's sight, as he would stagger upward, ignoring her words of encouragement. "No." Honey gaze was hard as he staggered backward, hunch-backed, with his ringed banner stiller than the ground. "Nothing is a-alright, J-June." His hackles rose with hostility, but smoothed out quickly as he recoiled against his thoughts. "W-why d-do you s-still care a-about me? A-after what I d-did to y-you?" After he had threatened her life, after he had attacked her, after leaving her wounded, after leaving her heartbroken. No-one could figure his heart out anymore, not even his own blood. He had let the disease win against his will, and he had let it twist his mind into a wicked beast. He had even turned against the Tortugan pride he knew and loved. "I h-have r-responsibilities now... in T-Tortuga. I-I was r-recently p-promoted to L-lead Fighter in m-my pack, a-after the p-plague." The aftermath of these words sent a shudder through his mocha-hued bodice, honey gaze dulling. Russet orange audits flattened against the back of his skull, honey gaze narrowing as icy tears began to fall again.

Why, why don't you figure my ❤️ out?