
At Long Long Last

Thaddeus Rogue

05-06-2013, 06:36 PM
Thaddeus's smile broadened when a stripped female came trotting in and 'put him in his place'. He chuckled as he eyed the pup in her mouth, "What is in the water? You all are giving birth. First his majesty's then my elder sister now this youngling?" He shock his head and then looked at his sister with affection. She had this shocked look on her face, like she was not believing in what she was seeing. He understood that, Rogue had been more of a shadow of a thought in most people minds, those of his family and for those he meet in his travels; he was there one second and gone the next, a true rogue. "Yes, elder sister, it is I." He moved close to her then and nuzzled her under the chin, and then looked at all the young around her and sniffed them, mesmerizing their scents. It was then that his sister got it in her mind to FINALLY introduced him to the flurry of a female that defended her and the quite one standing on the other side of her. Kiki and Maka, his adopted nieces, eh? "Oh good, so all the little scamps that is going to be running about are family." He smiled mischievously at the young mother. "And that means anything goes."

Then his brother decided to trot his tail-less butt in with commands abound. He smiled sweetly at his brother as talk turned from the mothers in the room to his lovely mate. And at the threat that rendered his tail gone. He chuckled at his bother, "Your threats do not scare me, you big monster. Come over here and greet your loving brother properly." Thaddeus Rogue moved to his brother and nuzzled him under his chin, showing his brother affection and also respect.

But he steeped away when Gargoyle's mate walked in. He shot his brother his mischievous grin as he moved toward Ocena. "Now my dear, I do not think we met, I am Thaddeus Rogue, or to my siblings just Rogue, you may call me what ever pleases you. Now what I do not understand is, why my fat brother? When there are much more handsome choices?" He grinned sweetly at her, as he put her between Gargie and himself, what could he say; Rogue liked his tail where it was, and he could not resist busting his brothers chops, and besides Gargoyle practically invited him to hit on his mate. What else was he suppose to do when threaten not to do something other then do it?