
everybody wants to rule the world



3 Years
07-08-2014, 02:29 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

The next bomb to drop literally felt like a bomb dropping, a huge weight slammed into the ground, she could feel the vibrations in her teeth. Wide green eyes locked onto a massive figure, it's head easily the same size as her whole body. The big thing could easily snap her up in a heartbeat, and the delicate man and the ghost would not be able to stop it. Mismatched audits lowered against her narrow skull, wide eyes unable to look away from the monster. Then the huge beast began to speak, it's voice like quiet thunder as it tried to make her feel a little more comfortable. Her siblings, they needed her to be brave and help them all the time, because she was the big one! The big animal sat it's massive frame down just a little ways away, and it smiled softly. It told her not to be afraid, and she decided she would try her best. The little patchwork girl slowly lifted her rump from the ground and crept forward, easing herself closer to the strange creature. As she got closer, the lass slowly realized how pitifully small she was compared to this strange creature. Her little charcoal nose stretched out to sniff the air around the strange creature, and then it scrunched up. "You smell different, what are you?" She inquired, her higher pitched voice barely atremble now, but oozing curiosity. Even with the beast sitting, the girl had to crane her neck to see it's face this close, trying to get a really good look at this big scary monster that wasn't trying to eat her.

She heard Winter growling and snapping angrily at the striped creature, who was far above needing to listen to the dainty man at all. She looked over her small, ash grey shoulder at the man, her expression quizzical. "Why does the big stripey thing have to go? It's not hurting anyone.." She asked, tiara tilting to the side questioningly. Then she turned back to gaze up wondrously at the creature just a few paces in front of her. "You're not going to hurt us, right?" She asked it, soft voice hesitant, but hoping that the big thing would prove her right. This close, the girl really couldn't afford to be wrong about that. The big orange thing had told her she shouldn't be afraid in the first place, so she was Her tri toned tail gave a hopeful wriggle at her hocks, lifting to be level with her spine to give a little wag. She blinked up at the strange creature, completely entranced. She'd never seen a living thing this big, ever. She'd seen rocks that big, trees, but never something alive. Her gaze would fall to the monster's paws, which could probably crush her without even trying. They were absolutely enormous, to match the creature they were attached to. But there were no claws there. Just a big furry paw, without any means of defending itself. "Well, how could you hurt us anyways? You don't have claws! The worst you could do was lay on us, right?" The girl was at first inquisitive, and then she couldn't stifle the giggle rising in her chest. Her tail gave another wag, and she looked back up at the big monster with a grin.

The ghostly voice started up again, and the girl stopped short, her entire body reflexively going stock still. The ghost had summoned the... tiger? Was that what the big striped thing was? And the tiger was here to guard her, as well as the ghost? Oh boy, if the patchwork pup didn't feel special before, she sure did now! When the ghost demanded more stories about the princess, the girl whirled around, bounding forward once, twice, and stopping a little ways from the white male. "Yeah! Can you please tell more stories?" She pleaded, tail whipping excitedly behind her. She loved stories, and princesses were the best! They were pretty, and got whatever they wanted, and fell in love with handsome knights! Or princes, but knights were cooler. Toxic green eyes glittered with joy as she waited for someone to speak.

But the rest is forgotten