
dead white and blue


07-08-2014, 02:49 PM

The woman indeed knew little of Valhalla's past. She barely paid attention to politics, but now it is due for her. The lady would have to step up to the plate, to manage relationships with everything. She was not like the previous Queen. The Kaiser would be a leader. She would never slack, like others. The lady was active and extreme at times. But, she was a good leader. Svanerna may have got the pack without a fight, but she would fight for the pack day and night. She was determined to the run the pack like a true Viking. The lady would not fall with ease. Her mind was set on getting the pack up and running as well as producing heirs. She needed Finnvi blood to keep her pack running smoothly if she were to fall within the years. The lady was seven and most elders passed near the age of eleven. The thought of death did not scare her, but she wanted the passing to be through fighting, like a true warrior. She hoped Freyja would bless her enough to send her to the real Valhalla. The paradise for true warriors. The Gods had yet to strike her down for her previous scars on her record. Yet, as the creature slipped into her view. The lady raised a brow. Her eyes fell upon his jewelry and his slate fur. Svanerna smirked slightly and bowed down slightly. She had a slightly dominant look to her, but it wasn't to much. She was obviously not there for a fight. "Greetings there, I'm Vereux Armada king of Glaciem, how may I assist you?" His baritone voice filled her ears and she nodded. ""My name is Svanerna Finnvi, Kaiser of Valhalla." The girl would pause, letting her metallic orbs pore into his. "I have been granted the throne of Valhalla and I wish to discuss peace agreements with other packs. I have heard of previous quarrels between Valhalla and Glaciem, but I do not know much of it." The Kaiser stopped, waiting for any comments before she got down to the real business.
