
Welcome to my life



6 Years
07-08-2014, 04:03 PM
Esperanza looked to Chrono as her emerald pools shimmered in the starlight that began to present itself. The warm sun that was once present was now replaced by the obsidian colored moon, and the cold began to take over. She could hear the sound of Chrono appear to be crying as he had apologized to her, and sadness began to take over her as well. The dame knew she should have kept her mouth shut, or this would not be happening to the brute she had loved dearly. She could feel no tears coming from the male's optics, just the sound of him being sad and depressed.

The ebony babe nudged underneath her mate's chin, trying to comfort and reassure him. She did not know what had happened between Chrono and his brother, Murrell, but she would stay silent and wait until Chrono would talk about it to her. Snow that had been sticking to the trees in the forest slid down and began to land on the dame's back. causing her to shiver slightly from surprise. She loved Chrono. She had said that to him many times before, and she had meant it too.

"Chrono, I am sorry as well. I shouldn't have said anything to begin with, but I love you and want to help you in any way I can. I don't know what happened with you and Murrell, but you do not have to tell me right away. Just tell me on your own time and when you're ready." She said as she licked his nose and looked to the stars as she could hear the sound of deer bellowing in the silent night that lingered before them. She could smell the aroma of pine and maple, which she had been accustom to smelling for a long time, and it felt right to her to be here with the one she loved.