
Practically Brothers


07-08-2014, 04:17 PM

A dark pup would leave his den, his mother taking a snooze inside but he wanted to go out and adventure. He would look to Koray, who was cuddled beside their mother, nestled to keep himself warm. Amarant would wonder why he was so tired all the time, but he himself was always ready to get out and go. He would take one last look at the only family he knew before quietly escaping their grasp.

It was afternoon, but still hours before dark. The male would only go out in the morning before the sun came up, but he would never stay out late at night. So he was quick on his feat to reach the structure that was the main point of The Range.

His tiny body would leap to stacked and cracked stone, needing to pull himself up from the edge. When he stood on top of the line of stone, he would look around, but he was too low to the ground and decided he would find a way up more. He would pad slowly, making sure he kept balance across the beam and come to higher stacked stone on the other side. His front paws pounced to the side of the stone, raising his head to see if anything were on top of it. He would tilt his head wondering if he could make the leap, but he was fearless either way.

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