
Wake Up


07-08-2014, 04:27 PM

She would wait patiently, knowing that Koray would not like being woken up. He thought he sly, but no pup was as tired as he was during the day, and when his frigid little body curled up beside her at night, she noticed. But the woman said nothing, knowing he was safe within Covari. A frown would pull at her lips when she heard his yelps and snarls. Moving towards the den, she would poke her head, a frown still coloring her features. "Boys." She would scold them lightly before backing out of the den, not interrupting Korays apology. She would begin walking, her pace slow, lazy almost. Ears tipped back, listening for the sounds of their approach. Just leave them! Voices yowled in agreement. She would make a path away from the den, towards the heart of the territory. Perhaps they would see what was left of the barn today, they could play in the open fields and maybe even run into Rune and his children. Tail would sway at her hocks, paws pressing ingot he ground. She was enjoying being a mother, more than she thought she would. Her only regret was that Maverick wasn't around more. There was no doubt that they would begin to ask questions about where their father was, and what would she say? They were far to young to know the story, but far to young to be without a father. A sigh slipped from her lips quietly. Maybe one....

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