
Batari walks in echoes and shadows


07-08-2014, 05:05 PM
The other wolf did not cower, it also did not attack. Batari's pride was not injured, and yet direct weakness did not make itself apparent. The other wolf had somehow managed to answer the loaded question without falling victim to sudden savage violence. These caves seemed like the perfect place to kill a wolf without its pack ever knowing. In these caves, Batari could eat a predator and know she was its master.

Speaking of masters, the other wolf had spoken of being a servant. Her hackles were still raised; but Batari shifted to a seated position. One could argue that this was unwise, in the face of possible danger, or one could realize this was Batari showing she did not feel the need to be in a ready position in the face of this other wolf. Unafraid of them, and sure of herself that she could still win a fight if it started with her seated.

Batari growled an answer to the wolf's statement. "Batari does not serve. The weak and prey serve. Batari is not prey, Batari is not weak, Batari is Batari."

The proud wolf with simple and strange speech patterns pondered something for a moment and slowly she continued to speak as the thoughts came to her. "Prey serves hunter. Batari is not hunted by the dark. Batari hunts in the dark. Batari uses the dark to hunt. The dark serves Batari." and suddenly she did not envy those eyes that glowed in the dark. Those eyes that betrayed the position of the other wolf at night. She did not envy their silky coat either. Batari's dark and mottled fur was perfect for the darkness, for caves like this and forests. It made her stronger, and Batari liked knowing she was strong.