
taking the first steps


05-06-2013, 07:43 PM

((not gonna wait for Kaien anymore, if he wants to pop in later thats fine but I'd like to get this going, sorry for the short post))

Kylar sat easily, breathing slowing finally and by the time Ulrike padded onto the scene it was as if his trek had never happened. Head was lifted easily, showing his massive size but still remaining submissive in some way, head tipped easily to the side as sickly green eyes studied the much older male. They had never really spoken but they knew of each other. Vi spoke harshly of the old male often but that was all he knew of Ulrike. The old white male spoke and Kylar stood slowly, shaking out his coat and dipping her head politely to the male. "I had some news to share with Kaien but it seems he's busy..." Kylar said slowly, glancing over Ulrike's shoulder to see if their white alpha might show up. A few minutes passed before Kylar sighed and looked back to Ulrike, seemed that be would have to get the old male to relay the message to their alpha. "I don't know how much you know about Kaios, all I know is he raped Secret and left Tortuga to rule Lentajin with their leader." he said easily, starting by relaying the information that would make Tortuga wish Kaios dead. He drew in another breath after speaking before continuing on. "Secret left almost a week ago and I tracked her. She starved and dehydrated herself to a such severe point that she gave birth prematurely at the delta to the east and it was a still born. Kaios found us there and ate the child's body before leaving..." he said slowly, voice void of emotion as he studied Ulrike, searching for any hit of emotion on the older male's face. "I'm going to speak to Newt, the leader of Lentajin and ask her to challenge Kaios for the right to castrate him. If she declines I will challenge him to a death match. Could you forward this message to Kaien? I will stay here to recover for a few days, spend time with my children and hopefully Secret and Vi will return so I can say goodbye to them as well. I will plan for the worst." Words were determined, easy and calm as gaze floated to the side. He hoped Secret and Vi would return before her left, he wanted to say his goodbyes to them as well if he didn't end up returning. "I understand if you disagree with this plan, if Kaien wishes me to never return to Tortuga for this, it may end up damaging the treaty in process between out two packs. But if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything right? I believe I need to do this, and I would appreciate being able to stay in Tortuga to say my goodbyes" he said, head tipping respectfully as he turned back to look at Ulrike, once again gauging his reaction.
