
Finding a Purpose

Requiem I


2 Years
07-08-2014, 11:03 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He had never really been one to venture beyond the boundaries that separated Ludiael from the rest of the world. Until now Requiem had never seen a point. His own adventurous streak was almost nonexistent, his desire to see new places even more so, feeling content enough with what the Mangrove, the Hot Springs, and the Falls had to offer him to think of leaving home. The passing of the meeting - and subsequently his frail brother - had changed his views. Descant may never have had the same freedoms as his siblings, but his presence still felt as if it haunted the lands, reminding Requiem of his loss and spoiling his attempts at moving on. He wanted - no, needed - to get away. Just for a little while.

Nothing had been said about where he intended to go - truth be told, he did not know himself - though he was sure his slow path and his trailing scent would lead any concerned parties to him. His concern rested more in going as far as he could while he still had the nerve, traveling much further than he ever expected to. The lands around the Springs had given way to tall, stubborn grasses, and those had given way to marshy woodlands full of trees unlike the familiar ones that took root in the mangrove field. His tired teal-green eyes, still heavy with sadness, blinked slowly as he turned his head to either side and looked around, the black, v-pointed markings on his brow giving him the look of wearing a permanent frown when he no longer felt as if he could emote. He felt empty, lost, desperate for answers, and quietly the boy stopped beneath one of the many willows to think.

It had not been the sickness. As easy as it would have been to blame Descant's deteriorated health on that, or the cure brought by the divine power's agents, Requiem knew he had been sick from the moment he was born. It was an old disease, a disease that had waited nine long months to finally claim him, that had finally drawn him from his body. Req's gaze went skyward, up into the boughs of the tree. Where was he now? What did the divine power have in store for him? He hoped he would finally be allowed to rest, peacefully and comfortably, no longer at the mercy of the sickness he had never been able to shake.

The tree above became suddenly blurred and the mottled brown boy blinked his eyes free of the tears that had collected there with a sigh, and as he lowered his gaze and took in the unknown yet strangely calming woods a new idea occurred to him. If ever he got the chance to speak to his brother again, ever got to see him again, he needed to be ready. He needed stories of what life was like out here in the world, the things he had never been able to see and experience for himself. Just like when he had lived inside the den. Heartened by his decision, Requiem felt himself begin to smile for the first time since the meeting, feeling as if he had finally found his purpose.