
the queen's hound


07-08-2014, 08:10 PM
you'll run for cover

{but you can't escape the second attack}

Her home, so recently discovered, had been claimed by another. Her mother had passed along her crown without a word to her children and that crown had been held for what felt like moments before another had challenged for it. Senka was not one to make rash decisions, but she no longer felt any desire to live without a pack. She had not sought out her brother before making this decision - the idea that he might desire a voice in it had not even occurred to the girl. She had set off almost as soon as Artemis Elysius reclaimed her original throne, rechristening the pack and making it into something entirely new. At first, Senka had considered Covari, the pack that Sibelle had originally hailed from and presumably returned to, but what was the point in that? Senka had little faith in Sibelle's strength now, and the yearling wanted something new.

Which was how Senka had ended up in Ebony. It hadn't been an easy choice though it had been quicker than most of the choices that Senka made. Time had passed, but at least it hadn't been a season - one had to give Senka credit for that. The cautious thing had never been one to make spur of the moment decisions, and she had thought this one through as much as possible before settling on this pack. As she drew close to the border, Senka couldn't deny that she felt slightly nervous. It wasn't much, but it was there. This was her fist time really joining a pack. She didn't have room to mess this up.

Settling back on her haunches, Senka tilted her head back to let out a low howl. Whoever came to the border would discover the gray wolfess sitting as casually as any other. Her impassive features remained as still as ever as Senka got comfortable, wrapping her tail easily around her paws.

holding on for your life[ S E N K A ]