
[[ ♔ ]] house of elysius



5 Years
07-08-2014, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2014, 07:59 AM by Phim.)
name -- Marvolo "Riddle" (aka WOLF VOLDEMORT)

gender -- male

visual of design -- 1 with very light purple, almost silver, eyes

appearance description -- 39" (will be 450 gems if I am not mistaken, but maybe I'll make him 40) 180 lbs

More the image of his father than his mother, the dark hued boy will stand at a tall thirty-nine (or forty) inches with a bulk of one hundred eighty pounds of rippling muscle. Marvolo's body will be coated in a base of dark grey that borders on black, with a lighter shade of grey resting over it. The lighter color will cover the top half of his body and tail, and extend downward over his shoulders and thighs. It will come down from a point on his forehead to cover the upper lids of his eyes and the outer edges of his cheek fur as well. The bottom lids of his eyes will be coated in an even lighter grey hue. The only indication that he is a child of Elysius, before earning his brand, will be lilac-purple eyes so light that they border on being a silvery color.

alignment -- lawful evil

personality -- loyal. brooding. megolomaniacal. malevolent. vindictive.

To Marvolo, the Elysius name is everything. He is endlessly devoted to his family and expects the same loyalty in return. He is not one to take ill-words about his family or betrayal by any of them lightly. The boy will grow up constantly preoccupied by dark and distant thoughts. This will show in his voice and his expressions, making him seem somewhat threatening to be around even when he means well (which, frankly, isn't often). He will be obsessed by his own power and his desire to control everything and will strive to become that family's strongest wolf, his end goal being to surpass his mother and lead the family. Every move he makes will be carefully calculated in order to achieve his goal, though at times his actions may seem unrelated.

Throughout his life, Marvolo will never wish well on any wolves who are not members of his family. In fact, he will wish only evil on them for his own entertainment, finding pleasure in the struggles and suffering of others. This will mostly rise from the irrational desire he will harbor for revenge against all who are not loyal to the Elysius name. As long as a wolf is not a member of Elysium, or has done something to wrong his family, Marvolo will be likely to lash out either verbally or physically against them seemingly without any provocation.
Phim's brother, Daitaro, is allowed to crash literally all of her threads.

[Image: xc4TMGm.png]