


07-08-2014, 08:53 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Saffie
How did you get here?: i couldn't resist
Age: 20

Character's Name: Cataleya
Age: 4
Season of Birth: winter
Adult Height: 36
Appearance Description: Standing at 36 inches tall, and weighting 115 pounds, she is no small woman to say the least. She towers over many, her presence often intimdating. Beneath her thick pelt lies well trained muscle prepared for anything. She was built for strength. Despite her size, her features are still feminine, having soft curves, elegant stature and features. Limps are long and graceful, coiled with muscle.
Her pelt is made of many designs and colors. Her base color a semi-dark gray, fur is thick and course, made to withstand cold temperatures. Her left hind leg, from her toes all the way up to her spine and flank is made up of a lighter gray, the difference is barely noticeable. Toes on her left front paw are dipped in charcoal. Her chest, starting from the base of her jaw, down to her belly and the underside of her tail are also coated in a nearly white gray. Her face holds the most. Her muzzle is dipped in charcoal, with a black strip starting from the middle of her muzzle going all the way to the middle of her skull. Orbs settled in the center of her face are a startling hot pinkish color, appearing almost red against her pelt. Beneath both her eyes are several dots, being the biggest in the center and the smallest on either side. Scars litter her body, most hidden, but can be found along her chest, shoulders and front legs.
Proof of Purchases: none