
Elsa x Hajime pups 2 left


07-08-2014, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2014, 12:23 PM by Xae.)
Name: Saffron
Pup Design: Click here
Gender: Female.
Saffron has an almost washed out appearance, with a plain grey coat. The fur is short, but fluffy, soft to the touch as a pup. As she matures, her fur remains short, but becomes more coarse, and lies much flatter against her body. She has a light fox-orange skull, with the same color painting one line from the back of her neck, along her spine, to her tail, which is colored in the same fox-like rust color. Her tail is tipped with a slightly darker rust color. Like her father, the pup also has a black ear, though hers is the left one. Her eyes are not one color, but rather, Saffron seems to take an eye from both of her parents. Her left eye is blue, her right eye is red.

Even as a pup, Saffron was a slender, lanky creature. She matures into quite a tall fae, reaching thirty-five inches, but she is all legs. Due to malnutrition - caused by her addiction - the girl does not have natural, feminine curves, but rather, becomes so slender that her two last ribs often show, particularly when she is running or doing some other physical activity. Her long legs and light weight allow her to move swiftly, but for only short periods of time. Her light weight also allows for her to move quietly.
(as a pup)
With both of her parents and Raisa gone, Saffron finds herself in a mess of confusion and frustration. Her frustration leads her to act out, to rebel, to defy everything that Quelt and Irune try to tell her. She consistently challenges others' leadership, though only half-heartedly as she is still young and can't exactly back up her challenges. Her rebellious nature does not soften as she ages, but morphs into a more ambitious nature, into a desire to take and lead her own pack.

Saffron has plenty of opinions, and she is in no way shy about voicing them, especially if they involve her. She comes across as incredibly judgmental, and often, ends up alienating herself because of the way she words things. She's excessively - purposely - blunt, cold, and callous in the way she speaks to others. Saffron has no respect for others' feelings. If someone doesn't like the way she's talking, they can simply walk away.

Once the grey female learns exactly what sarcasm is, she uses it to her full advantage. Saffron uses her sarcastic words to hide how she really feels, though it will be virtually impossible for others to recognize this - aside from perhaps her siblings, though she is no less cold toward them.

Hides true feelings.
Feelings, in Saffron's opinion, are a weakness. Watching her siblings mourn their father, watching as they drag themselves from depression only solidifies this view. Though the girl is in an intense amount of pain over the loss of her only remaining parent, she refuses to cry and whimper like a pup(don't bother telling her that she is a pup). All of her emotions are kept firmly in a box in her head. Keeping her feelings so tightly confined, however, leads Saffron to explosions on occasion, when holding her feelings in finally becomes too difficult. When she does erupt like a little volcano, she uses her words to bite, and can be quite the verbally violent little thing.

(as an adult)
Addictive personality.
Into her "teen" years, Saffron discovers something unforgettable. The feeling of being free. She finds that it is possible to truly escape her feelings using psychoactive plants and seeds, as well as even fermented fruit. Once discovering this sweet release, the grey fae soon finds that she needs this release. When she can't have it, she goes for something else. As she ages, her addictive personality transforms, and she even becomes addicted to other wolves, fearing that s/he will leave her. This leads her to almost appear clingy, the only thing that she isn't able to entirely hide.

With her new addiction, the girl knows she must find a way to pay for it. Having little to offer, she winds up offering her own body. She discovers that this, too, can be a way of escaping, and when she can't get the plants or seeds she wants, she's okay with getting something else. This ultimately ruins her view on love, and she believes that love does not truly exist.

Finally, as she matures into adulthood, all of her fiery nature as a pup slowly chills, leaving her a shell of what she once was. Though she still remains ambitious and driven to lead, she no longer snaps needlessly, no longer shows the burning anger behind her duo-colored eyes. Saffron is cold, seemingly heartless, and looks down on everyone else around her.

Reason you wanna play this pup: Plottage, yo. But seriously, I think that what the pups had to go through was bad, and I wanted to have a reason to have a wolf in the Covari drug trade plot. I thought it would be awesome to have a character as a pup grow up and actually play out her slow downfall. Plus, like I said, plots. Who wouldn't want to plot with the spitfire pup who becomes an Ice Queen?