

Eirik I


3 Years
07-08-2014, 09:46 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A little similarly to his father, Eirik was not entirely feeling as at home as he had hoped. It felt like the quiet pack they had wandered into when they joined had suddenly filled up with active bodies all filling in the spaces that had once been empty. It had intimidated the boy, worse than the territory alone had intimidated him. To wander around a land that was unfamiliar to him was one thing, but to do so and be guaranteed running in to someone that he knew nothing about, that seemed to run from questionable backgrounds, was something else entirely. It disappointed him somewhat in himself, especially since he was creeping up on his father's height already and threatening to go beyond, but there was no shaking the sense away. At least until the call came.

The pale grey youth thought seriously about not answering it. He had found himself a nice little hiding spot and was reluctant to give it up. But the image of his father, stern frown and all, snuffed out those thoughts rather quickly. He needed to go, if only because his dad expected him to.

Eirik moved with swift strides, his black paws covering ground easily as he finally came upon the gathered pack. There were so many that his rosy pink eyes blinked at first, trying once to count them and then needing to try a second time before he gave it up as useless. There was simply a lot of wolves already there. And somewhere... Oh. He spotted his dad sitting beside the dark colored woman that was his aunt, both of his sisters and his mother there too. Late. That would go over well. Lowering his head in a quiet manner, the tall boy wound his way toward his family and strayed to his mother's side. He stopped there, bumping his head gently against her petite shoulder with a rueful smile before he offered brighter ones to both Keiki and Warja and then caught his father's eye. Yep, he was late, but at least the man seemed too preoccupied to say anything about it. Counting himself lucky, the youth took a seat beside his sisters and sighed, glancing around at the strangers of the pack until they were called to order.