
dead white and blue

Athena I


9 Years
07-08-2014, 11:41 PM

She had not ignored the call that went up from the border of the Sparse Pines. No, in fact the Queen had all intentions of answering it herself, but she had been on the opposite side of Glaciem's expansive territory, in the middle of taking down a kill when the howl reached her dark ears. She brought the smaller, younger elk she had found down, letting it breathe its last breath, before she lifted her head and turned her emerald and ruby gaze in the direction of the call as the echos faded into nothing. She glanced back at her meal with a sigh, taking just a moment to drag the elk over to the shade of a tree and to quickly lick her muzzle and paws clean before taking off at a quick pace to answer the summons.

Luckily it seemed their guest wouldn't be kept waiting. Vereux had already arrived, apparently already discussing things with the other woman. She overheard the last of Vereux's bit of the conversation, catching something about Valhalla and calling her. She smiled and slid up beside him, standing shoulder to shoulder with her King. "No need for that," she said with a chuckle as her gaze fixed on the woman. Of course Athena recognized her from the spar the two of them had shared as well as from Virdiana's challenge. Svanerna, what a surprise." She settled down on her haunches, glancing from her mate and back to the woman. "I was hoping you would be stopping by. I was at Virdiana's challenge and as you must know it was very exciting to see Valhalla come under new management. Like Vereux was saying, it was the wolves who held Valhalla that we held a grudge with, not Valhalla itself. I have to agree that a peace agreement is more than acceptable."
