
video killed the radio star



1 Year
07-14-2014, 04:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2014, 04:54 PM by Sarka.)

Everyone was doing their own thing as usual, while Sarka had first checked on her flower in the morning before deciding to finally wander a little bit away from the den with the permission of her mother as long as she kept track and didn't wander out of the territory of the forest. Sarka was terrified of the outside world, so she often was wondering why she had even considered coming out here only a little bit away from the den. Of course her agreement with her mother had been non verbal. She had not spoken a word since her birth. Not yet at least. Her little white tail wiggled behind her as she suddenly stopped her fluff raising in fear once she saw the other pup bigger because Sarka was so young, and so small regardless of her age. Black with a few mis matched colors here and there Sarka was a bit startled and alarmed by her appearance. But too frozen in fear to do anything.

Sarka started to look around to see if maybe Roman was around to help her or one of he brothers who she could cling to. Then she reminded herself she had come out here because she had wanted to be alone. Taking a step forward she stumbled making a flip and a thud landing her on her back right next to Acadia where she didn't want to be. Blue eyes would sweep over her before wiggling over to her paws and covering her head with her front paws. Trying to pretend if she didn't see the other, than maybe they wouldn't see her.

?I speak?