
Wake Up


07-09-2014, 01:07 AM
((lol, I'm glad you liked it. Koray and Amarant are so cute, its insufferable))

Koray still whimpered a little when his brother assured him he was alright. Thee was the faint taste of something metallic on his tongue and in the air; but his attention was diverted from these senses as Amarant moved to the mouth of the den and urged his brother to follow. ?Sorry Ammy.? Koray whined again before trying to shake off the shame by following his brother.

The single word of reprimand also crushed his tiny spirits. Koray did not like to make mom upset, or do anything wrong. He wanted to be good, to make her happy. Koray?s ears drooped as he stretched at the mouth of the den. A big yawn stretched his small mouth open for a moment and then he blinked against the sunlight, whining at its brightness. At least it was warm.

Koray dragged behind Amarant at first, as they went after mom; but eventually the sun warmed him enough that his spirits brightened and he found some energy and enthusiasm. New and interesting smells were all around. Koray was outside, free to move about, with his mother and his brother. This was the way things were supposed to be, just the three of them, together and happy.

Koray?s energy restored, he would bound after his mother, having not gotten the chance to greet her yet, since she woke before he had. ?Morning Mama!~? he yipped happily. His shocking blue eyes peered up towards her face from within his mask of ember fur. ?Did you sleep well Mama?? he asked, not bothering to ask where they were going. Ammy would probably ask that, and Koray didn?t want to be a pest.