
A Call to His Highness


07-09-2014, 07:49 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2014, 07:49 AM by Xae.)

Xae kept his mouth shut while Bass threatened him. After all, the Azat had every right. If some strange wolf had stared at his sister and made her uncomfortable, well... Well, now that Xae thought of it, he wasn't certain he would really do anything. All of his siblings could care for themselves. Unless the wolf tried to actually harm her, Xae figured his sister would be able to handle herself. She had, after all, grown up with only their mother as a female companion. But the dark rust-painted male remained silent, allowing Bass to scold and inform him before the large pale male turned sharply on his heel, essentially dismissing the young russet canine. It was not quite the meeting he'd hoped, but at least he was accepted into Abaven. It would be challenging, he knew, especially after this little... incident. But Xae was more than happy with trying to succeed at something difficult. And he could certainly do so without making the lighter female uncomfortable.

His eyes shifted from Bass to the dark brown fae as movement captured his attention. Did she... Did she just wink at him? Xae opened his mouth to question her, to inquire about the meaning of the wink, but he shut his mouth again. She was gone, and he didn't think it was that important, anyway. He glanced at the light brown-topped fae, giving her a polite, but stiff nod. "I do deeply apologize, Lady." Xae meant it. He was not the type to stare often, unless it was to gain information, and he certainly hadn't meant for her to be uncomfortable. He turned his gaze away from her two-toned eyes and began to depart, staying in the boundary, but not following the direction Bass and the darker sibling had gone.

- Exit Xae -
