
Herculean Quests


07-09-2014, 09:36 AM

Solo had never been an overly curious fellow, even when he had met that boy in Ludicael who had wanted to know why the hot springs were hot he had lost interested fairly quickly. But here he wanted to know exactly why. Why did she deserve to be blind? Who had chosen that she couldn't see? She seemed so nice and pretty, why did she deserve this? In his mind she didn't deserve it and he vowed right then and there that he would make this better for her, as her prince (if he accepted) he would be her eyes and help her out in any way she needed. If she didn't accept... Well... Did princes stalk their princesses? Was that okay? "My... Prince?" She asked and for a moment he would frown. Was she not as stoked about this as he was? Would he had to resort to stalking so soon? But after a short pause she would reply and say that she would like that.

The teen would let off a excited yip, hopping in place before he paused and tried to figure out what princes did. For the first time he saw her smile, a bit of the nervousness melt away and that when he knew what he had to do. He would be the one to make her smile. She introduced herself and he would grin. Of course, she didn't even know his name!! "I am Prince Solo Sovari," he would introduce, curling one paw in and bowing quite lavishly like his mother had taught him. Though about half way through he would realize that this was a wasted gesture on her but none the less he would carry it through then spring back to his paws, leaning back into a play bow and attempting to reach forward with one paw and either paw at the air before her or gently boop her nose. "So what do princes do for their princess's? Other then make them smile. That's going to be my job, you have a really pretty smile..." He was grinning now, tail waving rapidly behind him and making a light wooshing sound through the air.