
A Whale's Song


06-04-2013, 03:30 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 10:47 PM by Cherokee.)

She molded perfectly into his embrace, her smaller frame fitting just right into the space between his limbs, as if she'd been made specifically to mold into his body. She was ever the observant little woman, noticing his dilemma of where to put his head. She giggled, telling him to just hold her, letting him know just where to exactly put his head. Crown was lowered, tucking itself beneath hers to rest gingerly atop her paws, not wanting to burden them with a heavy weight. He could feel the increase in tempo as her pulse drummed through their contacted skin. Why did her heartbeat suddenly pick up? Was there something he was unaware of that was frightening her?

Her content sigh put his worries to rest. She was in his embrace, warming up, safe. That was all that mattered at the moment. And then she would pull her muzzle from atop his neck and begin to groom herself. Cherokee watched from the corner of his eye as her tongue lashed across her beautiful ivory fur, cleaning away the moisture in an effort to speed up her re-warming. He would've offered to help, but that would've been crossing the line right there. She was an extremely beautiful young woman and Cherokee was beginning to think that maybe if he saw her again sometime that this quickly developed acquaintance could possibly turn into something more. Then again he could just be making something out of nothing. There was no way for him to know. His thoughts drifted away with each soft bump of her nose, his crown tucking itself closer to her, simply enjoying her presence and the feel of her body tucked against his own. He couldn't allow himself to get too carried away after all.

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