
Herculean Quests



4 Years
07-09-2014, 04:16 PM

Gaia was not so much curious as she was thirsty for knowledge. She sought lessons from her aunt and other family members as often as she could, but her blindness, she had just accepted it. The stage of when she had questioned it was long gone, she couldn't change it and had reluctantly accepted her fate. Though knowing she had a friend like Solo that wanted to be her prince, maybe she wasn't so disabled after all. He would yip excitedly as she accepted his offer, her playful pose making way for his own name, "I am Prince Solo Sovari," He would accept her playful invitation, using his paw to touch her nose. "So what do princes do for their princess's? Other then make them smile. That's going to be my job, you have a really pretty smile..." she would hear his tail wagging happily and she could feel her tail starting to do the same. He'd called her pretty.
She didn't know beauty in a visual sense but she knew she liked certain sounds, and certain places had a pretty atmosphere that made her feel good. Solo had commented on her smile though, her lips would turn up more as her haunches fell to the ground. "I don't know what princes normally do. My brother usually keeps me safe though, and checks up on me." Hephaestus seemed like a good prince to go off of. "What else do you think princes do?" She was kind of at a loss, her siblings were always so careful with her, "Do you think they take their princesses on adventures?" She was never one to go exploring too far, but maybe with a prince she could have a real adventure.


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