


07-09-2014, 04:28 PM

Night had fallen and Pandora could not be happier. The diva was tired of being cooped up in the fines of Covari (even though she loved being near her family and one wolf in particular) and needed a break from seeing the same faces almost everyday. Once the sun was gone and stars had broken out across the sky, Pandora took her chance. Golden-dipped front paws caressed the ground outside of her den as she stretched and shook out her fur. The dark made her cobalt coat blend in, but her gold patterns weren't hard to miss. After a brief yawn and last assessment of her perfectly groomed pelt, she set off.
Before she knew it, the spring air welcomed her to the Tall Grass Plains. She had never been there before, but the excitement tingling in the air made her want to leap and frolic through the numerous blades that swayed in the wind. However, the tingling her own body was making tossed all kinds of puppy-like antics out of the window and instead, she decided to pleasure herself in another way. Legs lowered so her underbelly was touched by the blades she walked through. Soft groans escaped her lips and she took her time walking without worrying about others being around. Her appetite was more grown than her siblings', but she didn't voice her observations to them. Instead, she kept it all to herself and enjoyed the personal time she was taking.
A new scent came to her as she was reaching her own breaking point. Aggravation settled in and her concentration was tossed to the wind as well. Her eyes closed as she analyzed the cologne of the unidentified male. Something about it tugged at one of her many memories...and then she realized what she was connecting. Standing straight on all four legs, foreplay forgotten, she pawed her way through the grass and came upon a form that looked oh-so-familiar. Same spots, same colored fur...but the body had cologne instead of perfume. There was no sweetness to his smell, but rather the scent of testosterone in the air. To her, he hadn't laid down with a woman yet, and that was indeed good for her.
All of these thoughts she pressed to the back of her mind and she started the fa?ade that would get her in his good graces. "Well, well,'s about time we met don't know how much I missed..." Her Romanian tones faded, turquoise eyes widening in surprise. "Oh..." She took a few steps closer to him, maintaining proper distance from his personal bubble. "Forgive me," she softly said, eyes then half-closing and revealing her gold-tipped lids. "I thought you were someone looked so much like her..." She made to turn away, hoping that he would have the sense to stop her.

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