
are you hiding secrets from me? // joining



7 Years

07-09-2014, 04:45 PM

Mirabelle had shocked him, the tension that seemed to boil through her blood. Calmly Bass flicked her flank with his tail, warning her. He did not trust the female as well, but he was not so openly mistrusting. His emotions were instead hidden beneath his calm exterior. He was not one to anger quickly, and he knew how to play his cards right. Even if this stranger was an odd one indeed, there was a spark of interest in his pack, and he wouldn't turn away wolves simply because they were different. He would keep a close eye on them, of course, but refusing to accept a member with no background was not the kind of reputation that this Azat wanted for his kingdom. He could feel that tension flash between the two females, and he almost felt like he may need to dismiss the dame from this meeting. However, he gave her a chance, shooting her a warning look with that golden gaze of his.

Turning his attention to the ebony babe, he appraised her when she said that she was an assassin. He was not surprised, the information was stored away neatly in his mind but did not effect his outward appearance at all. That easy, simple smile was still pressed on his lips as he simply awaited. She teased him, telling him that it was something so personal. "Maybe I should have asked for a demonstration then?" He offered, but did not dwell on her words for too long. She would be a good Pera if she was used to being unseen, he needed more messengers that were skilled at being hidden. The alabaster brute did not let her tone entrap his mind, it was simply water off a ducks back.

"So then, strange shadow hider, why Abaven? Why come to my borders on this fine day? You state you are interested, yet you have not made it known if you are or not. Abaven does not host strangers inside its boundaries, if you wish to stay then I must know so." His words were not spoken with any harshness, nor was it a demanding tone. He was just simply stating the facts, making his thoughts known. The strange feelings from Mirabelle had not yet left her, and he was worried that she would soon attack this ebon stranger. Anticipating her willingness to protect, he rose to his paws and sat himself down slightly in front of her, blocking her sight momentarily. "You need to calm yourself, or I must ask you to leave." He whispered, his words for her ears only. There were hushed in tone, as he stared her down. He was not angry, or upset, but he would not deal with a battle on his boarders, not on this day.

Walk "Talk" Think