


07-09-2014, 04:54 PM

Pandora's thoughts had sunk into the air around them, for the boy rose and attempted to stop her with words. His actions made a secret smile appear on Pandora's face, but it quickly faded as she turned to look back at him. Golden-backed ears perked in his direction as he asked about her speaking with Isolde. Softly, she blinked and took two bold steps in his direction. By doing so, her turned frame was now straight and in front of him.
Her tail lazily swept behind her as she answered his question. "Why yes, yes I have," she said, deciding to let him in on what she knew. "I didn't know who she was until I came across you...You two look so much alike, after all..." A soft smile then appeared on her face, brightening her dark features that were lit by the moon above them. "I bet you two are alike in other ways as well," she added, knowing that its cryptic meaning would be lost in translation. Ah well, one could hope he would try to figure it out.
She then looked him over, taking in the details that she had missed the first time. Since he was standing, she was able to see the other side of his Appaloosa rear end, breathtaking spots that stood out against his white fur. A gentle sigh escaped through black lips as she offhandedly remarked, "So beautiful...and unique as well." Her gaze moved back to his own blue opts and she maintained their eye contact. "She is a lovely girl, by the whom is not afraid of anything."
