
are you hiding secrets from me? // joining



3 Years
07-09-2014, 05:20 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2014, 05:41 PM by Mirabelle.)

She felt the tail flick, but it barely registered. She was too busy staring at the wolf with an expression of pure hatred. She gave in to her urge, and her lip curled back, baring sharp ivory fangs as the female met her gaze and taunted her with the lick of her lips. Her fur rose for a brief moment, before she forced it back down, remembering - barely - the warning Bass had just given her.

That did not remain so for long, not with the woman's words. In a flash, Mira was standing, her fur rising. Her lips pulled back to bear her sharp teeth, and her ears were already flattening. Preparing. Her eyes narrowed and a growl rumbled deep in her throat. She didn't say anything or attack - yet - rather, she waited to see Bass' words, his reaction. It was the only remnant of self control she had left. The only rational part of her mind left. The rest? Ready to spring, ready to tear into the female. But Bass... he was completely calm. Completely neutral.His first sentence, though, Mira wanted to smack him upside the head for. A demonstration? Was he stupid?

Then in a flash, he was in front of her, blocking her view. Her fur immediately flattened and she sank down, lowering herself beneath him. A position of submissiveness. Her tail, which had risen to be parallel to her spine, lowered and curled beneath her. His words made sense, but... "She's an assassin!" she whispered harshly, but still low and quiet enough that the stranger wouldn't hear. Her eyes shimmered with pain and fear as she looked up at Bass. "Don't trust her. Please!" Yes, she was begging. No she didn't care. Not anymore. No. She couldn't deal with the mem- her thought processes stopped. No. With a flash, she knew who the wolf was. Vendetta. A low growl grew again, her fur rising as her body tensed. She resisted the urge to attack - barely - by knowing Bass had to know. "That's Vendetta Prixes," she breathed. "From my old pack. You don't know my past. But I was trained to kill. I was the alpha's - my father's - pride. I was perfect, in his eyes. I didn't ask questions; I did as I was told. I killed, when I was told. With no hesitation. She's the secondary alpha's daughter. She was considered inferior to me. So she was trained as a spy instead of as a killer. When I... ran they must have had her replace me." Fear shuddered through her body as she whispered this, so quiet, so quickly. Low enough Vendetta wouldn't hear either, thankfully. It wasn't a history Mira had wanted to share, either, but in this situation she had to. While she spoke, her fur had relaxed, remaining slightly poofed but mostly calm. Anger and instinctual hate had been replaced by fear. A fear that brought all sorts of questions to her mind. How had she come here? How had Vendetta found Abaven? Found her? Obviously, she didn't recognize her yet. Well, that she knew of. They had rarely interacted when she was there. But everyone knew the alpha's daughter; his pride and joy. And later, the bane of his existence. Was she there to kill Mira? Or did her father send Vendetta to kill all that Mira had been close to? The red wolf immediately thought of Harmony, and another growl, low and only audible by Bass, escaped. No. She would not allow Harmony to be harmed. Never.

The Bjundi looked back up at her alpha with pleading eyes. Even more so than before. "Please." This time, her voice had the tone of brokenness in it, of fear. Still begging.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]