
My heart yearns for you



07-09-2014, 05:58 PM

Ears folded back against her skull, not out of fear or worry, but in happiness. Even without her eyesight, the girl swore she could feel the boys emotions, emanating from his body and to her heart. And when it came to the mention of the butterflies, it only intensified. Faolan believed that they were love because he had felt them for a long time now, even before Seracia fell apart. When he said she was the only solid thing in his life similar to his family, her heart seemed to race. Was that how he felt the whole time, even when he was helping try to learn their home?

A nuzzle was given to her paw and she would bring it back to the earth, but not to avoid his touch. Now that she was back, he hoped she wouldn't leave again... that Enola didn't understand how much she meant to him. It may have been true, she had an idea that she had meant something to the boy because of how he behaved towards and around her, but didn't truly understand the emotions linked to it. Even know, she only knew a fraction of it.

"The only way I can leave you now, is if somebody plucked me off this earth." Sweet tones spoke, a light chuckle escaping her lips. It would quickly fade however, head rising and nose sniffing at the air before refocusing on the face she knew was there but couldn't see. "Or if this pack doesn't allow me in..." Her voice grew softer as she realized that this was claimed land by a pack she didn't know.

Was this Ludicael, the pack mother said Faolan's family was moving to before they had left? Were they friendly or not so nice? Would they allow Enola to join because Faolan was there, or would they kick her out because she was blind and not as useful as other wolves? All the question popping into the girl's head would cause her to take a step back, unsure what this obstacle would do for the two.
