
Do Not Play Games


07-09-2014, 06:44 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2014, 06:46 PM by Zlata.)

Seeing her brother smile was gave her the same feeling as lying in the sun on a cold day. He was warmth and comfort and everything she had been without while being away from her family. Then it seemed that his face would harden again, and her face would fall.

"I do not like this boy living with you alone." Her mercury pools would squint in frustration. Could he really be jealous of her little cat? Or did he think that Gendry would hurt her?

Zlata didn't like seeing her brother that way, and knew there was only one solution. Australis had to meet Gendry. A smile would spread on her maw at the thought.

"Well I suppose that won't be a problem anymore since you'll be living there too!" With that, the girl's eyes would shine and she would tilt her muzzle in the direction of the den. "Come on Aus, he's sleeping right now but I'm sure he'd be'm sure he'll wake up to meet you." She corrected her speech, knowing her friend and what to expect if him when he was woken from a nap.

Surely he would understand that Aus was important, she thought as she picked up her forgotten squirrel and turned towards the den.She had talked to him about Aus before, about how much he meant to her. The little feline would just have to get used to another male around the den.

Walk "Talk" Think