
I Just Killed My Boyfriend


08-17-2014, 10:45 PM
skype for questions! i'm probably online even when it says im not lol.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? it is evident that her russet adversary has been made aware of the oncoming onslaught -- avid pupils traversing the pawn?s slightly-larger physique as the woman settles into a defensive stance, yet makes no movement to straighten out the perpendicular angle created between their bodies until the moment of collision. right shoulder blade successfully strikes her opponent?s left-sided rib-cage; however, the tyrant queen is aggravated to know that despite her momentum and heavy weight, the force of impact had been too weak to even fracture her adversary?s ribs as had been her brutal intentions. the force of impact, however, is intense enough to cause light bruising to blossom upon the front of her own right shoulder, but it is only a minor inconvenience that the phantom can easily disregard as adrenaline continues to course through her veins -- an intoxicating sensation that further fuels the bloodlust that wracks her twisted mind. similarly, the phantom is unsuccessful in her endeavor of piercing the woman?s left eye, and is left unsated as her jaws merely bounce off of sibelle?s forehead -- incisors failing to make even the slightest incision upon her opponent?s flesh.

her opponent would pivot to the right until they were nearly parallel to one another -- sibelle?s left side adjacent to her own right, with the russet wraith slightly ahead of her in terms of positioning. and yet, artemis had no intentions of maintaining their parallel positioning, and would immediately seek to swing her own hips out and to her own left in hopes of bringing her body perpendicular to the center portion of sibelle?s left-sided rib-cage. with this movement, sibelle?s jaws would successfully rake down the upper portion of her own right-sided neck, creating moderate lacerations of about a quarter of an inch in depth and two inches in length into the scrunched flesh haloing her jugular, though no grip is obtained due to the tyrant?s movements away from her adversary?s jaws. her own left forepaw meets the safety of the earth after having been ignored, reinstating her balance upon all fours as opposed to three in preparation for the oncoming assault.

however, as the tyrant notices her adversary lifting her { sib's } left forepaw in hopes of crushing her front right toes, artemis attempts to move the forepaw entirely out of harm?s way -- lifting the right forepaw now and attempting to hook it around the back of sibelle?s left forelimb { hopefully located towards the exact center of the limb } where she will attempt to yet again pull the limb back towards herself in hopes of upsetting sibelle?s balance, weight meanwhile shifting evenly between her three grounded limbs in hopes of maintaining her own balance. because of the tyrant?s movements away from the pawn, as the russet woman would attempt to throw the entirety of her weight into artemis? right side, it would only be the outside of the phantom?s right shoulder that would receive the brunt of the attack, and another bruise would bloom across her pale flesh to worsen the bruise upon her right shoulder until it was a considerably moderate bruise, and the abrupt force of impact would also force the phantom to step backwards just slightly. jaws that had previously failed to pierce skin would then tilt horizontally to her own left, hoping to strike low as she attempts to wrap her jaws around the upper portion of sibelle?s left forelimb -- mandible seeking to dismantle the left elbow of her adversary while her upper jaw seeks to clamp down upon the front of sibelle?s left elbow joint. she intends to break the targeted bone with the pressure applied behind her hopeful bite, seeking to complicate the movement of her adversary as best she can.

all the while, her defenses are maintained to the best of her ability: her skull lowered considerably over her breast and in alignment with the remainder of her spinal cord, tail streamlined in similar alignment, and abdominal muscles tensed to tighten her core. shoulders are rolled forward and neck is scrunched to safeguard her jugular in protective layers of excess flesh and fat, hackles raised along the length of her spine, eyes narrowed, and ears pinned tightly to her lowered crown. limbs are spaced equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity, weight distributed evenly among each grounded appendage, and her toes are splayed as her nails grip into the earth to maintain traction. jaws are left slackened and her chin is tucked as best it can be to the curvature of her neck { though such is difficult as she horizontally tilts her skull }, blackened lips peeled back to unsheathe untainted incisors that urge for usage.

but even in the heat of battle, the tyrant queen can only hope for the negligent red whore to dare show her face -- to dare witness the vendetta artemis unleashes upon her poor pawn.





attacks -- hips pivoting to her own left in an attempt to maintain perpendicular positioning. jaws seeking sibelle's left elbow, intending to crush the bone with the pressure of her attempted bite. right forelimb attempting to wrap about the back of sibelle's left forelimb, located towards the center of the forelimb, and hoping to pull it back towards herself with the intentions of upsetting sibelle's balance.

injuries -- moderate bruising to right shoulder, quarter-inch deep and two-inch-long lacerations to the scrunched flesh upon her upper right-sided neck { no grip obtained }. full dodge of sibelle's paw.

notes -- it was confirmed by saf that, during the time frame where sib and art are parallel to one another, sib is slightly ahead of art in terms of positioning. not that it really matters with art moving away but i mentioned it in my post and don't want to get docked in pp for it xD

table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]