
Sri Simin

Sri Simin

07-09-2014, 08:55 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Dr. Snakes
How did you get here?: Magic, yo.
Age: Twenty.

Character's Name: Sri Simin
Age: 4 years.
Season of Birth: Spring.
Adult Height: 26"
Appearance Description:
Sri Simin is a seductress. The Goddess of misery and pain must have taken a liking to this girl as a pup, for she was given quite a lovely physique. Sri is kept fit, with a natural female canine curve at her hips. What the lady lacks in muscle, she easily makes up for in her agility, in her cunning. Sri is a small creature, certainly smaller than most, though she has thick, sturdy legs, giving her aid in moving quickly. Her light frame allows her to easily dodge serious blows, though she certainly prefers to do her misdeeds in the dark.

Sri Simin's coat is coal black, with very little interruptions, aside from the natural, dark grey highlights. Her jet-black fur is long, though the fur does not fluff out, and many strands possess gentle waves. Her fur is soft, kept groomed and free of any painful - not to mention cumbersome - matting or tangles. With eyes of deep, dark amber, Sri blends perfectly in with the shadows. A perfect place for an assassin to reside.
Proof of Purchases: N/A.