
Practically Brothers


07-09-2014, 09:24 PM

The sound of a pup would ring at his ears, and to his surprise it was someone he knew. "Heya Eirik!" His voice would shout as he put his balance back on the first beam and looked down at him. He could only tell Eirik by his eyes, though they may have seemed girly to other wolves it was Amarant's way of identifying him.

He hadn't seen Eirik in a long time, only a few weeks after he was born maybe. But he knew enough to know that he was family, he was uncle Rune's son. "Yeah I'm sure!" He would demand, "I wanna get to the tippy top and look all around Covari!" His body flopped down on the stone, his paws curling around the edge. He tilted his head at the grey boy, his tail wagging glad that he wasn't here by himself.

He was focused on the pup before him, but his mind still lingered at the towering structures he wanted to climb. He had wished Koray was here too, but Amarant knew he would be happier snoozing away in the den next to mother. Now he could spend some time with Eirik, a family member he hadn't actually gotten any time with.

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