
when the world splits open



05-07-2013, 07:38 AM

The stench of blood hung heavy in the air as Newt went into labor. Domovei had been distracted, not as close as he had hoped he would be -- but the gentle breeze brought the scent of his family to him. The family he barely knew, and yet already felt so connected to.

As he approached, he felt vaguely jealous that the others had experienced this with Newt, and that he had been absent. It was his fault, but still his brows furrowed slightly in frustration. He hadn't even spoken to Zara, Kaios, Champion, or any of the others... and yet he knew of them. But he need not speak unless spoken to. He fit comfortably into his rank as slave, doing little more than required of him, rarely making his presence known. At least among these wolves.

And today was no different. Silently the small male slunk into the large den, feeling oddly small among the massive creatures that surrounded Newt. A barely audible greeting escaped his throat, a small bark, before he slid near Newt, behind her, against the wall of her den. But his emerald green eyes glimmered with interest as he cocked his head, eying the three children with curiosity. Would he be allowed to touch them? Care for them? He wondered, but his jaws remained clamped shut. He was certainly not totally normal, and he knew that... to some extent... but he would never hurt Newt's pups.