
Among the Marsh's Song



4 Years
07-09-2014, 11:24 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2014, 11:25 PM by Aoto.)
The day was of a rather uneventful moment as Aoto trotted through the rather colorful wetland. Being able to hear the songs of the birds brought a smile to his maw as he looked around at all of what he could see and smell all of what he could smell and most of all hear. Sure he didn't have much else to do at the moment but he certainly wasn't bored as his mind was taken off track by all that he could perceive. His thoughts would go from one to the next those being of ?what should I try and catch for tonight?? or ?well that was a very beautiful bird? he was rather happy out here and didn't really think about his loneliness because of what was around him. He thought of the one face he could remember from before which was almost an entire year ago and that was of Ashtoreth. She was a really beautiful wolf despite her one scar and he wished for her to be well and that he might one day hope to visit her and just have a conversation with her again.

She did have faith in him to be able to get into a pack or so he thought when they first met and he wanted to thank her for that at least as it helped him try and further his own duty and increased his drive to belong somewhere that might appreciate his work and his friendly demeanor. His footfalls could be heard as he quickened his pace in the wetland until he finally stumbled upon a single willow tree and that was what shocked him. He always loved seeing willow trees but this one in its lone beauty was something that amazed him as he made his way up to it and when he sat down on his haunches he let out a soft but still rather loud howl. Aoto still couldn't believe what he seen as his smile widened across his maw. Perhaps his howl might bring him another surprise or two as he wished to have another conversation with someone or anything. His past few attempts at conversation ended rather poorly as he tried to speak to a few birds that didn't quite have the same mind of speaking.

Aoto looked up and down the willow tree to just admire is rather distinct beauty. Nothing had to be perfect for him to see the beauty of it as long as they were themselves and not changing for anyone well that wouldn't be exactly true as he didn't like those who always sought bloodshed and violence as the only way for things to be beautiful. His thoughts came back to when he first met Ashtoreth and how they kinda didn't start off on the right foot but it at least worked out for a little while as there was conversation and they were talking for a little while. But now he was alone again but he didn't care now as a year has gone by and he had his chance to go through and think of things and what he wants and the like which brought about his new resolve and thoughts. One day he would eventually have almost everything he could have ever wanted and possibly more than that.