


07-10-2014, 12:52 AM
Koray was tired. He'd been up late the night before, like he was every night, secretly keeping watch over the den. He'd caught a second wind when they had left to trek around but he was sleepy again now. That was, until the strange sound came.

Mama seemed to know what the sound was, and she beckoned to them, so Koray followed making sure he was equidistant from Mama and Ammy. Suddenly there were other wolves, and Koray's fur bristled. He remembered the bad dreams of the red wolf that would appear and make Mama sad. Koray didn't know these wolves, didn't know anyone. His Mother seemed to know them though, so he did not bark or bite at any of them with his tiny puppy teeth.

However when his mother gave a wide berth to the strange creature, and Ammy followed suit. Koray stopped, widened his stance, and yapped at it a few times as if the tiny pup was trying to warn the creature that he was dangerous. Pleased with his efforts Koray scurried as fast as he could to catch up with Mama and Amarant.

Skidding to a stop beside his mother, he did like Amarant and next to his brother, beneath his mother for a moment; but all these strangers made him uncomfortable. Koray took a few cautious steps out in front of his mother and sat up straight, his ears were lowered and his tail did not wag as he watched all these strangers, blue eyes looking suspiciously at all of them from within the ember-colored patches on his dark muzzle.

He had to watch for danger, had to protect Mama, and Ammy. They were his family, and he loved them. These other people were strangers, he did not trust them.