
Your burning sun



7 Years

07-10-2014, 02:46 AM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2014, 02:47 AM by Bass.)

He laughed, his deep baritone filling the air as Motif fell on her side. She tried to swipe at him but he easily side stepped her, avoiding being tripped. She told him what he already knew, they she had won. Tossing back his head he let out a howl of joy, too caught up in the sound to avoid her paws the second time. His golden eyes grew wide as he was suddenly much closer to the ground than he had remembered. Rolling over he flopped his long legs over Motif, wiggling around on the earth. It was only with Motif that he acted like this, she brought out the hidden pup in him. It felt good to simply feel free for a bit, to play and explore like the yearling he was. There was no alpha duties around her.

His ears perked when she spoke of no one getting passed them, straining to hear over their peels of laughter. Catching his breath he looked into her similar hued eyes, searching her face for the answers to the universe. "Does that mean that you are staying for good?" He whispered, afraid that if he spoke too loud that he would chase away the answer. All he wanted was for Motif to stay at his side, for her to prove herself into being his secondary, his Azgrat. He wanted his sister to rule beside her so that they could be the king and queen of the land.

Bass held his breath, waiting on baited breath for her answer. His hopes were high, his tail thudding on the grass covered earth. Could it be true, was she thinking of staying forever? He wanted her as Azgrat, but that would mean that they would have to have a serious spar. Even though she was his sister, that did not mean that she could sidestep the laws that he had set for this land. He swallowed harshly, wondering if she would be up for it. Until then, he wanted to make her Naharar, although she would need to get one more win under her belt. Oh how he wished that he could simply hand his sister the world on a silver platter. She deserved that much, looking after a goof like him.

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