



5 Years
07-11-2014, 03:01 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Her brows quirked a little more deeply into a frown as she eyed the boy across from her, now lying down instead of sitting comfortably. Apparently she must not have been giving off as much of a disinterested vibe than she thought she did, not if he was making it apparent he had no immediate plans of leaving. Though, as he went on, she started to think she might have gotten it wrong. He had been training, exercising his body as befit the regimen of an Ebon Knight - or whatever they were called now - and it had taken a toll on him. She could see it a little, the way his legs still jittered a bit from exertion. No wonder he had sunk to his stomach so fast. Callisto was glad all over again not to have chosen that path for herself.

She considered what he needed, salt and sugar, and whether she knew of any places nearby that might yield enough for him. Max was still better at this sort of thing - he was always prepared for everything - but she did not know at the moment where he was. And she was not going to learn anything if she did not at least try to do things on her own first. The grey youth scooted closer, the shift nearly mistaken as just a restless maneuver meant to calm his legs, and inquired after her name while giving his. "Callisto," she answered a bit absently, her blue gaze turned away as she still thought of where to find something to help the boy. Salt, she thought, might likely be abundant here, but sugar? Less likely. If they could find a reedy place with ready access to water then maybe, but...

Callisto turned her stoic stare back on Jakart, unsure just how far he had already pushed himself and how much further he could go. Either way, she doubted the other half of what he wanted could be found in this immediate vicinity. "Come." The order was spoken simply, directly, and without waiting to see if it would be followed the dark colored wolf was already moving away, leading through a path between the righted boulders of the Rock Garden and toward its edge, where she thought it most likely that they would find the sugar cane. Her silvery blue eyes roamed the path ahead, spotting another small plant growing within sight, its small white flowers already in bloom. "That's good for fatigue if you want it," she said informatively, motioning with her muzzle toward the small flowering plant as they walked past.

She had gone looking for water in this area once before, after she had helped Maximous and Katja patch up the three-legged stranger - well, that was not entirely accurate; she had only chewed off her paw - who had ended up here. Water and what grew near it had been essential at the time, so she had put in effort to make sure she was better prepared next time around. She found the water source now, a narrow, shallow stream that she thought shared a common waterway with Ebony's lake. It was open here, exposed almost like it was in the lake's territory, and she was relieved to note that a few reedy stalks grew close by. "Wait here," Callisto instructed, leaving her company as her spindly grey legs hurried to inspect the reeds. Her dark nose sniffed closely around their bases before she thought she found the right one, and biting into the stem she struggled a little to pull it free and brought it back to Jakart.

Setting the sugar cane down before him, she licked at her lips, tasting the sweetness on her tongue. "Hopefully that's enough," she said, reclining back on her haunches and curving her tail loosely at her side to watch and see how well it helped him recover first hand.