
Night Beckons


05-07-2013, 09:20 AM

The female that had first greeted her began to speak, her words blunt but truthful, while the other remained silent. Clear yellow eyes watched the woman as she spoke, explaining what the pack that inhabited these lands stood for. Immediately she disclosed that the inhabitants of Tortuga were the outcasts of society. A very slight smile appeared, a barely visible twitch of one corner of her mouth, but the expression faded as quickly as it appeared. "Tortuga sounds like a pack I wouldn't mind being a part of," she said simply, clicking her tongue softly. Considering the possibility of a life here.

Was Tortuga really full of the kind of creatures that this female spoke of? Would this be a place where her brother could finally live in peace... or relatively contently? Eyes briefly trailed over the other woman, a red-furred beauty. She was then asked how she would benefit the pack-- a reasonable question. It would be silly for any kind of tribe to take a member in who would contribute nothing.

"I'm well-trained in battle," she spoke with simply confidence. Scars that were littered across her bodice would confirm this. "I'm confident I would be a worthwhile asset as a warrior. I'm surprisingly light on my paws, and tend to be good at stalking and hiding. A spy, if you will." Her words were frank. She was not entirely inclined to sell herself based solely on her skills, but she knew that was necessary. Especially as winter drew nearer and nearer. Tortuga would not want to feed mouths of useless wolves, with no skills or desire to contribute to the pack.

A slight pause followed, a clearing of her throat. "I do ask that, if I be given consideration, as will my brother. He is nearby, but will not show his face quite yet -- when he is ready, I'm willing to bring you to him. He's..." her words trailed. He was not in earshot, would not hear her speaking, especially as she spoke in a slightly lowered tone. "He has violent tendencies, and is not always fully coherent, but I can assure you that none of his behaviors be directed at pack mates. He will obey me. He's a powerful creature, and will certainly be willing to fight to defend Tortuga if need be. But he isn't very social, and rarely speaks." And this would be the final point-- if they denied this slight stipulation, she would be forced to turn and leave. "I think he will like it here." Maybe it'd be good for the male... calm him down. Soothe the darkness inside of him.

(Ps. I haven't finished her brother's profile yet, but will soon <3)