
And we'll feel alright (Masqueo)


07-10-2014, 02:04 PM

Masqueo froze when he heard pawsteps echoing in the caverns. Soft. Thud thud thud. Then a bigger thud. A scent, soft and feminine, drifted down the caverns, and the wolf shook his head. Someone was entering the caverns, for whatever reasons. Someone he didn't want to enter. There was a reason why he was there, and that was to get away from others. He thought himself safe in the submerged forest, but that hadn't been the case then. So he tried somewhere where it was told no life lived. A place of darkness and also of light, nin certain areas. A place where death lurked around thecorner, too, as the black and white male learned quickly when he nearly fell into a crevice on the floor . The make took another long breath, and his nose wrinkled. She carried a similar scent to Chrono. Which meant they were probably in the same pack. Of course. Of course the two wolves that found him would be sticking their noses into territories that doesn't belong to them. Masq stood, slipping further into the crevice he made his den in. Hoping she wouldn't notice. But he knew she would: it was hard not to notice the scent of the living in a place normally devoid of all life.

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