
dancing queen


07-10-2014, 03:15 PM
Pooka was amused. He watched the fruit nearly hit its mark, and the little wolf's attempt to investigate it. She seemed puzzled and then as she slowly seemed to realize there was a culprit behind the rogue projectile, Pooka almost laughed as she tried to look around and find him. Pooka was surprised she could not see him, only partially hidden as he was. The indignation of the pup was only fuel for his mischief; and Pooka debated what he should do to the gangly pup next.

Pooka was not very hidden from where he stood only half concealed by the leaves and brambles; but he still felt safer in the shade than in the open, and now it was a game to see how long it would take the pup to find him without trying to hide. "It's rude to take naps when you have company." he answered with a snicker, sitting perfectly still within the orchard and watching.

The patchwork pup with the toxic eyes might be able to find him by the sound of his voice if she was quick enough, or perhaps she would simply see his white muzzle with the black patches over both eyes from where it peered out, half framed by ivy and branches.